Tutors, your time is valued and not only by your students. As a non-profit program, the HLC depends on you to report your community service hours and your student’s progress.
You are part of a bigger picture. Literacy volunteers everywhere provide data showing how many people need help and how much is being done within each community. Your hours create Hillsborough County’s piece of the ProLiteracy Annual Statistical Report.
By the 5th of each month please report your previous month’s work. This form should make it easy, but if not, ask us how to send a monthly fax or message instead. You have a three month grace period to send a report or contact us before your name drops from the Library’s list of active tutors. Thanks for all you do–and don’t forget to tell us about it!
(If you prefer, click here to go to the full-size form. Other than size, it is the same as below.)