I would like to take just a brief moment here simply to point you to a video I made about a book in our Adult New Reader (ANR) Collection called Picture Stories. I think HLC tutors may enjoy using it in a lesson or two. You’ll hear all about it in the video, and have a look for yourself.
There are many resources that we have in the ANR collection that I would like to raise awareness about, so I plan to do more of these videos in the future. If you have used a book from the ANR collection that you think is great, let me know, and I’ll make a video about it.
To refresh everyone’s memory, the ANR collection consists of English language learning books, adult easy reading books, some dictionaries, and teaching resources as well. The collection is located in every library branch in the system, usually right after the Spanish language books. These books circulate like regular library books, which means they go out for three weeks at a time, and can be renewed twice. Also, if you don’t see this book (or any book you are interested in) at your location, you simply look it up in the catalog and place a hold for it so it will be sent to you. If you need help with that, just ask the librarian!
So, enjoy the video. I hope you give this book a try!